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Foreign Missions Partners

Harvest Evangelistic Association

HEA’s Vision is all about raising up, training, and equipping native missionary evangelists to go out and boldly preach the gospel to their own people, in their native language, in their home countries.

They do this through church planting, evangelism teams, medical missions, church building, prison ministry, a school of frontline missions, leadership conferences, and significant community projects each year.

Missionaries Greg and Michelle McClanahan give oversight to HEA and all its teams.

The immigration Coalition

The immigration Coalition provides clean drinking water, food, and much-needed items to Immigrant, Migrant, and Asylum-Seeking communities along the Southern Border and in Latin America. They understand that immigrants are created in God’s image and therefore worthy of compassion, respect, and nuance. All of the Immigration Coalition resources are filtered through sound Biblical principles. They partner with local churches in the areas they minister.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Wycliffe USA serves together with churches and Bible translation organizations around the world so that local churches have Scripture and other resources to meet their spiritual needs, along with the capacity to continue to meet those growing needs in the future. Our leaders are committed to doing everything we can to see a Bible translation program in progress in every language still needing one by 2025.

Dennis Medina

Dennis is originally from Australia. He and his family came to Thailand over ten years ago. Dennis lost his wife a couple of years ago but is still faithfully serving in the Isaan region of Thailand. Dennis is with the Pioneers Missions who are in relentless pursuit of the unreached.  He is in the Isaan region of Thailand.

Prakash James

Prakash is leading an Urban ministry in Delhi. His organization is “Being Leaders.” People are reached by local outreaches, feeding the poor, and training local churches. They help plant churches and teach principles of growth to leaders. They are touching the many unreached peoples in India.


Living with a team in Southeast Asia who are helping people discover their need for Jesus, helping them develop as disciple-makers and in knowing their calling, then mentoring them to do that with others. For more information or if you want on their update list you can email berry@thecitylbk.church.


Living with a team in Southeast Asia who are helping people discover their need for Jesus, helping them develop as disciple-makers and in knowing their calling, then mentoring them to do that with others. For more information or if you want on their update list you can email berry@thecitylbk.church.

Tosphon Poonperm (PiTote)

Tosphon is a native Thai missionary. He was born in the region of Isaan in Thailand. He went to college in Bangkok and heard the gospel there, and committed his life to Christ. At that point, he submitted his life to do whatever God wanted, which led to pastoring in Bangkok for 14 years. But all shifted when he sensed a call leave his comfort zone and go back to his native people in Isaan. Currently, PiTote is in an unreached village in Southern Isaan. He teaches English to students there and serves the community. A community center was recently built to help serve the community, share the gospel, and start a local church.