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The City Church  

A Family of Grace and Truth

// BELONG // Being a family of grace and truth means we “belong” before and after “believing.”

  • Jesus ate dinner with sinners and invited sinners to follow Him. He was known for hanging out with and even partying with people that were nothing like Him. This means you can “belong” before you “believe” and “belong” before you behave.
  • When someone decides to follow Jesus (believe), they are born again into a spiritual family. Belonging to a spiritual family also means we are connected to one another and need one another to grow spiritually. Belonging to a spiritual family means doing life together with other followers of Jesus (believers). The best way to experience spiritual family is in a City Group.
  • The gospel tears down all the walls of hostility and makes us fellow citizens of the “city of our God.” So, we believe the gospel brings people of different ethnicities, genders, ages, incomes and political persuasions together as one family in Christ, which is their primary identity.

// BELIEVE // Being a family of grace and truth means “believing” in God’s Word, God’s Son, God’s ways and God’s power.

  • We believe that God has revealed Himself in the Bible and that every word in the Bible is God’s word. So, we read, study and teach the Bible verse by verse in every environment or ministry.
  • We believe that God’s Son, Jesus, is Lord since He alone conquered our sin through His death on the cross and conquered death itself through His resurrection from the dead. So, we preach about and worship Jesus. We are passionate about Jesus!
  • We believe God’s ways and design, as revealed in the Bible, are always best and bring ultimate satisfaction and joy. We believe that disobeying anything in God’s word is disobeying God Himself.
  • We believe God has the power to do anything He pleases and that nothing is impossible for Him. We believe God invites us to join Him in the supernatural things He wants to do through prayer.
  • We believe that God desires to fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we are empowered to live a victorious and vibrant spiritual life for His glory! We desperately seek to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

// BECOME // Being a family of grace and truth means we will “become” disciples, doers, defenders, dreamers and disciple makers.

  • We believe that God created us for a relationship with Himself and to worship Himself. So, being a family of grace and truth means we won’t stay the same when we meet Jesus. When you “believe” in Jesus, you are transformed and will grow into (become) a disciple that loves, follows, worships and serves Jesus.
  • Jesus said if we love Him we will obey what He commands and that a wise person will put into practice all the things He said. So, we “believe” disciples will “become” doers of the Word of God and that a faith without works is no faith at all.
  • God told the prophet Micah that he should do justice and love mercy. God told the prophet Isaiah that Israel should seek justice, defend the oppressed and defend the orphan. So, we “believe” that disciples of Jesus will show empathy towards and “become” defenders of the oppressed, the orphan, the unborn, the poor and the prisoner. We believe that justice for the oppressed is a spiritual issue. We will strategically partner with people and organizations that specialize in these areas.
  • In the New Covenant, God promised that He would place His spirit inside of us and that His people would dream dreams and see visions. So, we believe that disciples of Jesus “become” dreamers. Through the Holy Spirit, disciples (believers) will have dreams and visions of things God wants them to do for His glory and for His church. Through the Holy Spirit, God will empower disciples of Jesus with a gift of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the dream He puts on their heart.
  • Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples of all nations. Jesus told His disciples that the workers are few and to pray for more workers for the harvest. We want to pray for and be the workers Jesus desires to use to reach our city and the world with the gospel. We believe every disciple of Jesus will be fruitful and multiply and “become” a disciple maker “here” or “there.” We will strategically partner with people and organizations that share this same vision of disciple making and church planting.

The City Church  

A Family of Grace and Truth

// BELONG // Being a family of grace and truth means we “belong” before and after “believing.”

  • Jesus ate dinner with sinners and invited sinners to follow Him. He was known for hanging out with and even partying with people that were nothing like Him. This means you can “belong” before you “believe” and “belong” before you behave.
  • When someone decides to follow Jesus (believe), they are born again into a spiritual family. Belonging to a spiritual family also means we are connected to one another and need one another to grow spiritually. Belonging to a spiritual family means doing life together with other followers of Jesus (believers). The best way to experience spiritual family is in a City Group.
  • The gospel tears down all the walls of hostility and makes us fellow citizens of the “city of our God.” So, we believe the gospel brings people of different ethnicities, genders, ages, incomes and political persuasions together as one family in Christ, which is their primary identity.

// BELIEVE // Being a family of grace and truth means “believing” in God’s Word, God’s Son, God’s ways and God’s power.

  • We believe that God has revealed Himself in the Bible and that every word in the Bible is God’s word. So, we read, study and teach the Bible verse by verse in every environment or ministry.
  • We believe that God’s Son, Jesus, is Lord since He alone conquered our sin through His death on the cross and conquered death itself through His resurrection from the dead. So, we preach about and worship Jesus. We are passionate about Jesus!
  • We believe God’s ways and design, as revealed in the Bible, are always best and bring ultimate satisfaction and joy. We believe that disobeying anything in God’s word is disobeying God Himself.
  • We believe God has the power to do anything He pleases and that nothing is impossible for Him. We believe God invites us to join Him in the supernatural things He wants to do through prayer.
  • We believe that God desires to fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we are empowered to live a victorious and vibrant spiritual life for His glory! We desperately seek to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

// BECOME // Being a family of grace and truth means we will “become” disciples, doers, defenders, dreamers and disciple makers.

  • We believe that God created us for a relationship with Himself and to worship Himself. So, being a family of grace and truth means we won’t stay the same when we meet Jesus. When you “believe” in Jesus, you are transformed and will grow into (become) a disciple that loves, follows, worships and serves Jesus.
  • Jesus said if we love Him we will obey what He commands and that a wise person will put into practice all the things He said. So, we “believe” disciples will “become” doers of the Word of God and that a faith without works is no faith at all.
  • God told the prophet Micah that he should do justice and love mercy. God told the prophet Isaiah that Israel should seek justice, defend the oppressed and defend the orphan. So, we “believe” that disciples of Jesus will show empathy towards and “become” defenders of the oppressed, the orphan, the unborn, the poor and the prisoner. We believe that justice for the oppressed is a spiritual issue. We will strategically partner with people and organizations that specialize in these areas.
  • In the New Covenant, God promised that He would place His spirit inside of us and that His people would dream dreams and see visions. So, we believe that disciples of Jesus “become” dreamers. Through the Holy Spirit, disciples (believers) will have dreams and visions of things God wants them to do for His glory and for His church. Through the Holy Spirit, God will empower disciples of Jesus with a gift of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the dream He puts on their heart.
  • Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples of all nations. Jesus told His disciples that the workers are few and to pray for more workers for the harvest. We want to pray for and be the workers Jesus desires to use to reach our city and the world with the gospel. We believe every disciple of Jesus will be fruitful and multiply and “become” a disciple maker “here” or “there.” We will strategically partner with people and organizations that share this same vision of disciple making and church planting.