Hello This is a Test

Thursday - June 1st

Wear your USA outfits today!! 🇺🇸

8:00a - Breakfast @ The Dining Hall
9:00a - Morning Rally @ The Aspen
10:00a - Breakout Sessions
11:00a - Activity Block (Meet outside Aspen)
  1. Snow Tube Hill
  2. Archery Tag
  3. BMX
  4. Zip Drop (Weight limit: 22lbs min/250lbs max)
  5. Arbor Climb (Weight limit: 22lbs min/330lbs max)
12:00p - Lunch @ The Dining Hall
1:30p -Family Olympics @ the Rec Field
3:00p - Free Time Activities
  • City Youth - Mud Pit
  • City Kids - Craft in the Thunderbird lobby
4:00p - Lake & Free Time
5:00p - Activity Block (Meet outside Thunderbird)
  1. Flylines (Weight limit: 45lbs min/275lbs max)
  2. Paintball
  3. Drift Trikes
  4. Grotto
6:00p - Dinner @ The Dining Hall
7:00p - Night Session @ The Aspen
9:30p - Late night Zip Drop! (Weight limit: 22lbs min/250lbs max)

Friday - June 2nd

8:00a - Pack up and leave!!
  • Breakfast bars are available in the Thunderbird lobby!!

Thanks for coming to Family Camp this year!! Make sure to share your pics on social media with us!!

Have a safe drive home!!!!