Group Guide

This Week's City 7:
5. Why do I follow Jesus? I follow Jesus because Jesus rose from the dead proving that He is the way, the truth and the life.
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)
What's one area of your life you can tend to boast a little or over-exaggerate your abilities?
For time's sake we'll skip the scripture reading that covered all of Acts 25 and 26.
Discussion Questions:
- In Acts 25, Paul is once again defending himself against all the false accusations brought forward from the Jewish leaders. Eventually Paul appeals his case all the way up to the Emperor. But first, King Agrippa wanted to hear his case. Verse 23 talks about Agrippa showing up with great pomp and a whole lot of prominent men with him. And on the other side, all alone, is Paul, who once again is defending the fact the he saw Jesus risen from the dead. Clayton compared this to Martin Luther, who in the 1500's was standing before an emperor, defending himself against the allegations made by the pope. Luther presented his case to more than 200 nobles and archbishops, and he stood alone. But "With God," Luther proclaimed, "one is the majority." He is also quoted to have said to those accusing him, "My conscience is captive to the Word of God! I therefore cannot, and I will not recant! Here I stand. I can do no other." THAT is conviction of belief. What is your level of conviction in YOUR faith and in what the Bible says is true? Would you have the same resolve of Luther and Paul if you were in a similar position?
- Paul, once again, shares his testimony of his conversion on the road to Damascus. He presents the gospel to them, explaining how God can open anyone's eyes to the truth, how they can go from darkness to light and experience the forgiveness that God offers. The result of being set free from darkness and bondage to the devil is called JUSTIFICATION. Justification is an instantaneous legal act of God in which He (1) thinks of our sins as forgiven and Christ’s righteousness as belonging to us, and (2) declares us to be righteous in His sight. As we are justified by God, we are also then ADOPTED. Adoption is an act of God whereby He makes us members of His family. What all do you think being adopted into God's family entail? How amazing is it that not only are your sins not counted against you, but Jesus' righteousness is attributed to you at the same time?
- Once we say YES to Jesus and we are instantaneously justified and adopted, God begins the process of SANCTIFICATION in our lives. SANCTIFICATION is a progressive work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and like Christ. This is the slow, gradual, life-long weeding out of sin in our lives as God takes those things out of us that don't please Him and gives us gifts of His Spirit... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. If you are allowing the Holy Spirit to do these things in your own heart, you should be in a different place with the Lord today than you were a year ago. Is that true for you? What are some specific ways God has grown you in the past year or two?
- One of the main takeaways from Sunday was that salvation is OWNED by FAITH and is SHOWN by DEEDS. This is something that so many of us get wrong. Good deeds alone can't save anyone, but they are evidence of a changed life. Another way to say it is that good works are the EVIDENCE of our salvation, not the BASIS of it. FAITH is the FOUNDATION, good works are the DEMONSTRATION of a changed heart. The bottom line is, if you have made Jesus Lord of your life, the fruit of your life will prove it. What fruit is your life producing? Would someone be able to tell you're a Christian if you didn't tell them?
- The big idea was that the PROOF is in the LIGHTING. Paul defended his faith with truth, reason and rationality. He did his best to persuade Agrippa with PROOF, not just asking him to take a leap of blind faith. He was basically saying that the proof is right here in front of us, in the writings of the prophets and in the evidence of changed lives that have been on display. In 2 Corinthians 4, it is God who says "let there be light!" in someone's heart. As God shines His light in your heart, the world will see the proof by your actions. You will grow in your love for Jesus, Scripture, prayer, worship, church and each other! You will have a heart to reach lost people and a growing hate for sin. We end today with the quote from Richard Sibbes: “If you can look on sin without sorrow, you have never looked on Christ." Is there one of these evidences that is missing in your life? Where do you need to grow the most?
Prayer Topics:
- That we would stand firmly in the truth and assurance we have in Jesus.
- That our lives would scream that we love Jesus.
- That we would be ever-growing in our faith.
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