Tuesday Devo

Acts 24
22 At that point Felix, who was quite familiar with the Way, adjourned the hearing and said, “Wait until Lysias, the garrison commander, arrives. Then I will decide the case.” 23 He ordered an officer to keep Paul in custody but to give him some freedom and allow his friends to visit him and take care of his needs.
24 A few days later Felix came back with his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish. Sending for Paul, they listened as he told them about faith in Christ Jesus. 25 As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the coming day of judgment, Felix became frightened. “Go away for now,” he replied. “When it is more convenient, I’ll call for you again.” 26 He also hoped that Paul would bribe him, so he sent for him quite often and talked with him.
22 At that point Felix, who was quite familiar with the Way, adjourned the hearing and said, “Wait until Lysias, the garrison commander, arrives. Then I will decide the case.” 23 He ordered an officer to keep Paul in custody but to give him some freedom and allow his friends to visit him and take care of his needs.
24 A few days later Felix came back with his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish. Sending for Paul, they listened as he told them about faith in Christ Jesus. 25 As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the coming day of judgment, Felix became frightened. “Go away for now,” he replied. “When it is more convenient, I’ll call for you again.” 26 He also hoped that Paul would bribe him, so he sent for him quite often and talked with him.
24:22–23 Felix had an accurate knowledge of the Way (see note on 9:1–2), which may have come from his Jewish wife (see 24:24). but have some liberty. Paul’s “free custody” may have been due to his being a Roman citizen.
24:24 Drusilla was the youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa I (see note on 12:1) and the sister of Agrippa II (who will appear in the next chapter; see 25:13–26:32). Her marriage to Felix was something of a scandal because Felix deceptively precipitated her divorce from her first husband.
24:25 Felix was alarmed. Paul did not flatter this man who had the power of life and death over him, but proclaimed the gospel boldly and clearly.
24:26 money … sent for him often. Roman law prohibited officials from taking bribes, but Josephus reports that bribe-taking was rampant.
24:24 Drusilla was the youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa I (see note on 12:1) and the sister of Agrippa II (who will appear in the next chapter; see 25:13–26:32). Her marriage to Felix was something of a scandal because Felix deceptively precipitated her divorce from her first husband.
24:25 Felix was alarmed. Paul did not flatter this man who had the power of life and death over him, but proclaimed the gospel boldly and clearly.
24:26 money … sent for him often. Roman law prohibited officials from taking bribes, but Josephus reports that bribe-taking was rampant.
- In vers 25, Paul is "reasoning" with both Felix and his wife. He shares the gospel with them, and they seem to be interested! He reasoned with them about righteousness and self control. In other words, he made it clear that the gospel, becoming a Christian, has moral and ethical implications. Saying yes to Jesus means a different kind of life. How has your life changed since saying yes to Jesus? In what ways is your life different than those of your unsaved friends?
- But something about this scares Felix and he tells Paul to leave for now and he would call for him again when it was more "convenient." This is a sad response. And how many people today, when it comes to hearing the voice of God, say the same thing? Maybe later. Skip Heitzig said, "Atheism has slain its thousands, but procrastination has slain its tens of thousands." How many of you have put off obedience to God for a later time? How much time have we wasted doing our own thing and keeping God at a distance?
- That God would help you keep your priorities on prayer and the gospel.
- That your faith would be bold and unapologetic, like Paul's.
This Week's City 7:
Try to commit to memory!
4. Can a person be good enough to go to heaven? No. Because Jesus rose from the dead, proving He is God, I believe a person is saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
(John 1:12, 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 4:1-25, 5:1-2, 6-11, 6:23, 10:1-4, 10:9; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:1-9; 1 Timothy 2:5-6; Titus 3:4-7)
(John 1:12, 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 4:1-25, 5:1-2, 6-11, 6:23, 10:1-4, 10:9; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:1-9; 1 Timothy 2:5-6; Titus 3:4-7)
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