Hello This is a Test

Group Guide

This Week's City 7:

6. Is the Bible God’s Word? Jesus proved He is God by rising from the dead and said the Old Testament was God’s Word and gave authority to the Apostles to write the words of the New Testament, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so that all the words of the Bible are God’s Word.
(Matthew 5:18; Luke 24:27, 44; John 14:25-26, 15:27, 16:12-13, 17:20; Acts 2:42; Ephesians 3:5; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21)


Are you a morning person? How much sleep do you require to function? 


Acts 20:1-38
Paul Goes to Macedonia and Greece
When the uproar was over, Paul sent for the believers and encouraged them. Then he said good-bye and left for Macedonia. 2 While there, he encouraged the believers in all the towns he passed through. Then he traveled down to Greece, 3 where he stayed for three months. He was preparing to sail back to Syria when he discovered a plot by some Jews against his life, so he decided to return through Macedonia.
4 Several men were traveling with him. They were Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea; Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica; Gaius from Derbe; Timothy; and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia. 5 They went on ahead and waited for us at Troas. 6 After the Passover ended, we boarded a ship at Philippi in Macedonia and five days later joined them in Troas, where we stayed a week.
Paul’s Final Visit to Troas
7 On the first day of the week, we gathered with the local believers to share in the Lord’s Supper. Paul was preaching to them, and since he was leaving the next day, he kept talking until midnight. 8 The upstairs room where we met was lighted with many flickering lamps. 9 As Paul spoke on and on, a young man named Eutychus, sitting on the windowsill, became very drowsy. Finally, he fell sound asleep and dropped three stories to his death below. 10 Paul went down, bent over him, and took him into his arms. “Don’t worry,” he said, “he’s alive!” 11 Then they all went back upstairs, shared in the Lord’s Supper, and ate together. Paul continued talking to them until dawn, and then he left. 12 Meanwhile, the young man was taken home alive and well, and everyone was greatly relieved.
Paul Meets the Ephesian Elders
13 Paul went by land to Assos, where he had arranged for us to join him, while we traveled by ship. 14 He joined us there, and we sailed together to Mitylene. 15 The next day we sailed past the island of Kios. The following day we crossed to the island of Samos, and a day later we arrived at Miletus.
16 Paul had decided to sail on past Ephesus, for he didn’t want to spend any more time in the province of Asia. He was hurrying to get to Jerusalem, if possible, in time for the Festival of Pentecost. 17 But when we landed at Miletus, he sent a message to the elders of the church at Ephesus, asking them to come and meet him.
18 When they arrived he declared, “You know that from the day I set foot in the province of Asia until now 19 I have done the Lord’s work humbly and with many tears. I have endured the trials that came to me from the plots of the Jews. 20 I never shrank back from telling you what you needed to hear, either publicly or in your homes. 21 I have had one message for Jews and Greeks alike—the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to God, and of having faith in our Lord Jesus.
22 “And now I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what awaits me, 23 except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead. 24 But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
25 “And now I know that none of you to whom I have preached the Kingdom will ever see me again. 26 I declare today that I have been faithful. If anyone suffers eternal death, it’s not my fault, 27 for I didn’t shrink from declaring all that God wants you to know.
28 “So guard yourselves and God’s people. Feed and shepherd God’s flock—his church, purchased with his own blood—over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as leaders. 29 I know that false teachers, like vicious wolves, will come in among you after I leave, not sparing the flock. 30 Even some men from your own group will rise up and distort the truth in order to draw a following. 31 Watch out! Remember the three years I was with you—my constant watch and care over you night and day, and my many tears for you.
32 “And now I entrust you to God and the message of his grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.
33 “I have never coveted anyone’s silver or gold or fine clothes. 34 You know that these hands of mine have worked to supply my own needs and even the needs of those who were with me. 35 And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
36 When he had finished speaking, he knelt and prayed with them. 37 They all cried as they embraced and kissed him good-bye. 38 They were sad most of all because he had said that they would never see him again. Then they escorted him down to the ship.

Discussion Questions:

  • In Acts 20, Paul is on the move once again. After staying in Greece for three months, he returns to Macedonia after threats on his life prevented him form going to Syria. Paul took seven companions with him. These were guys that Paul was discipling, training up. They were the next generation of leaders. Paul knew that he wouldn't be around forever and that the work must continue after he was gone. He was actively passing the torch. What about you? Who are you intentionally pouring into and discipling? Who are you training up in the way of the Lord? Parents, are your kids on this list?

  • In verse 7, Paul is preaching for hours. He has a passion for teaching God's Word, and the people apparently have a hunger for hearing it! No one seems to be watching the clock, all except for one boy who falls asleep and out of the window. Clayton told stories of people in Chiapas, Mexico that travel by foot for hours just to be trained to teach the gospel. Our culture today seems to be largely missing this passion. We have short attention spans. We get bored. We fall asleep... unless it's something we REALLY care about, like football, movies, netflix or video games. Yikes! When it comes to church, quiet times or prayer, are you a clock watcher? Do spiritual things tend to bore you more that your hobbies do?

  • In verse 22, Paul says he is "bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead." Wow...he opts for obedience instead of safety. Not only is the Holy Spirit telling him where to go, he's also telling him it's going to hurt. But Paul still goes! He says, "It's worth it!" Paul isn't the only one God has plans for. He has plans for you, too. You have a course assigned to you by God. What race are you running? Are you living for God's Kingdom or your own? How focused are you on seeking out God's plan and purpose for your life?

  • In his message to the elders in Ephesus, he tells them to guard themselves and God's people. He warns that false teachers will come trying to mislead the flock. This is why it's important to know RIGHT doctrine so that you can better spot the FAKE. There are many teachers and preachers and churches TODAY that teach bad doctrine that twists and adds to what is true. We have to be on our guard and test EVERYTHING, even if it's coming from someone we enjoy listening to. How guarded are you when it comes to listening to sermons, teaching or podcasts? Is it possible you are buying into and entertaining ideas that might be bad doctrine? How can you be more vigilant?

  • Clayton's challenge for us on Sunday was to WAKE UP! Don't fall asleep! Wake up for WORSHIP, for the WORD, and for WORK. We need to be devoted to meeting together with other believers to worship God. We need pray God would give us a burning desire for more Scripture. And we need to remember the we are a watchman on the wall. We need to stay alert and vigilant against the enemy that would try to entice us into deception. Is there life in you? Have you fallen asleep? Do you need a fresh spark? How can we pray for you in your walk with the Lord? 

Prayer Topics:

  • That we would be disciples that make disciples. 
  • That we would have a hunger for God's Word.
  • That we would stay vigilant in our quest for right doctrine. 

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