Hello This is a Test

Monday Devo


Acts 19
21 Afterward Paul felt compelled by the Spirit to go over to Macedonia and Achaia before going to Jerusalem. “And after that,” he said, “I must go on to Rome!” 22 He sent his two assistants, Timothy and Erastus, ahead to Macedonia while he stayed awhile longer in the province of Asia.
The Riot in Ephesus
23 About that time, serious trouble developed in Ephesus concerning the Way. 24 It began with Demetrius, a silversmith who had a large business manufacturing silver shrines of the Greek goddess Artemis. He kept many craftsmen busy.


19:21 Macedonia included the churches in Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea. Achaia included the church in Corinth. This verse provides an outline for the remainder of Acts, for after leaving Ephesus Paul returned to the churches in “Macedonia” and “Achaia” (or Greece, 20:1–2) and from there went to Jerusalem (21:17) and then eventually to Rome (28:14).
19:22 having sent into Macedonia … Timothy and Erastus. Paul apparently wrote 1 Corinthians during the springtime, near the end of his time in Ephesus (cf. v. 21; also 1 Cor. 16:5–10). Paul sent the letter to Corinth with Timothy and Erastus (see 1 Cor. 16:10), and then later left Ephesus to go through Macedonia and eventually to Corinth himself as well (see Acts 20:1–2; 1 Cor. 16:5, 8–9). Erastus was a Corinthian and is included in Paul’s greetings in Rom. 16:23 and 2 Tim. 4:20.


  • In Acts 19, we see that Paul is compelled by the Spirit. He only goes where the Spirit leads him to go. His entire life is about obedience to God. What about you? What your day look like today if you tuned your ear to the voice of the Holy Spirit and did whatever He said to do?

  • Trouble starts brewing in Ephesus. A few verses earlier, a great spiritual awakening had taken place as Christians took extreme steps of repentance as they burned their spell books and turned from their sin. Ephesus had been a stronghold of Satan, and now people were turning to God. Any time God moves and people are turning to Him, Satan will attack. We are in a spiritual war! Paul told the church in Ephesus that we "are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world." Have you ever experienced an attack from Satan when God was moving powerfully in your life? Are you under attack now? How are you going about fighting back?

Prayer Topics:

  • That you would listen for His voice today.
  • That you would spiritually fight against the evil one today. 

This Week's City 7:

Try to commit to memory! 

5. Why do I follow Jesus? I follow Jesus because Jesus rose from the dead proving that He is the way, the truth and the life.
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)

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