Hello This is a Test

Group Guide

This Week's City 7:

2. Are there sources outside the Bible that confirm the Biblical account of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead? Many Roman and Jewish historians have confirmed that the apostles died as martyrs for preaching that they saw Jesus risen from the grave. No one dies for something they know to be a lie.
(Luke 1:1-4; Acts 26:26; 1 John 1:1-4, Josephus, Clement, Hegesippus, Tertullian, Origen, Polycarp)


Brandon is terrified of cute little mice. When it comes to creatures and critters, what are you most afraid of? 


Acts 18:18-28
18 Paul stayed in Corinth for some time after that, then said good-bye to the brothers and sisters and went to nearby Cenchrea. There he shaved his head according to Jewish custom, marking the end of a vow. Then he set sail for Syria, taking Priscilla and Aquila with him.
19 They stopped first at the port of Ephesus, where Paul left the others behind. While he was there, he went to the synagogue to reason with the Jews. 20 They asked him to stay longer, but he declined. 21 As he left, however, he said, “I will come back later, God willing.” Then he set sail from Ephesus. 22 The next stop was at the port of Caesarea. From there he went up and visited the church at Jerusalem and then went back to Antioch.
23 After spending some time in Antioch, Paul went back through Galatia and Phrygia, visiting and strengthening all the believers.
Apollos Instructed at Ephesus
24 Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos, an eloquent speaker who knew the Scriptures well, had arrived in Ephesus from Alexandria in Egypt. 25 He had been taught the way of the Lord, and he taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit and with accuracy. However, he knew only about John’s baptism. 26 When Priscilla and Aquila heard him preaching boldly in the synagogue, they took him aside and explained the way of God even more accurately.
27 Apollos had been thinking about going to Achaia, and the brothers and sisters in Ephesus encouraged him to go. They wrote to the believers in Achaia, asking them to welcome him. When he arrived there, he proved to be of great benefit to those who, by God’s grace, had believed. 28 He refuted the Jews with powerful arguments in public debate. Using the Scriptures, he explained to them that Jesus was the Messiah.

Discussion Questions:

  • In verse 18, we see that Paul has made a vow that involved shaving his head. This was most likely a Nazarite vow found in Numbers chapter 6. The purpose of the vow of a Nazirite was to express a unique consecration to God, promising to abstain from all products from the grapevine, to never come near a dead body, and to not cut your hair. This was a vow of consecration and dedication to God. What can we learn from Paul through this vow? Disciples are DEDICATED to the LORD. We are to be set apart, living IN the world but not being OF the world. We serve a different Master, a different Kingdom. We answer to a higher power. We are subjects of the King of Kings. Have someone read 2 Timothy 2:21. This is a promise of God's blessing and our usefulness if we pursue a holy lifestyle and live for God alone. Have you put yourself in a position to be used by God for a special purpose? How dedicated are you to God's calling on your life to be used by Him?

  • Paul, Priscilla and Aquila set sail for Ephesus. If you remember from chapter 16, the Lord prevented Paul from going to Ephesus, but now He seems to be leading the group there. Things go well there and the people ask Paul to stay longer, but he declines. But he tells them that he will return, "Lord willing."  This should be our outlook on life as well, submitting all of our plans to God. We should go with Him, even when it doesn't make sense. Disciples DISCERN His VOICE. Paul continues to be directed by God through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." Our lives as New Testament believers should be directed by the voice of the Spirit of God. How clearly are you able to discern God's voice in your life over all the noise? Are you praying about decisions, big and small? When was the last time you took a risk out of obedience to God and got uncomfortable?

  • Paul leaves Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus, and they come across Apollos, who Luke writes was "an eloquent speaker who knew the Scriptures well" and who "taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit and with accuracy." True disciples DESIRE KNOWLEDGE. We should follow Apollos' example to do what it takes to know the Word of God. ANYONE can acquire more knowledge. We need to know the FULL COUNSEL of God's Word, not just bits and pieces. ACCURACY matters! Context matters! Getting it right matters! There is SOOO much truth packed into every single verse, and endless well of wisdom. How dedicated are you to studying Scripture? Is this an area you need to grow in?

  • Apollos had the knowledge and skill, but he lacked one thing... accuracy. Disciples DELIVER with ACCURACY. Accuracy matters. We must have right doctrine and sound theology. Paul warns against bad theology in Acts 20, saying to guard yourselves against people that twist the truth to fit their own agendas. He says to watch out! There are many preachers, teachers, evangelists and YouTube prophets that teach bad doctrine, so we can't just believe everything we hear just because someone says it with passion and conviction. Passion and conviction without accuracy leads us in a dangerous direction. We need to bee like the Bereans a couple of chapters ago that tested everything they heard taught against the truth of Scripture. Like Brandon's brownie analogy, a little bit of poo in the pan ruins the whole batch. Are you one that tends to believe everything you heard taught? How often are you testing those things?

  • Apollos taught with knowledge and accuracy, but he was also taught with enthusiasm and fervor. Some texts translate it as he was "boiling in the Spirit." He was like Jeremiah who said that God's Word "burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!" What every New Testament follower of Jesus should be after is KNOWLEDGE on FIRE. We will be a people that love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength. What is your level of passion for Scripture, prayer and the Gospel? Has your fire gone out? What are some ways we can stoke the flames of our hearts?

Prayer Topics:

  • That we would have a new hunger for God's Word.
  • That we would test everything and hold on to what is true. 
  • That we would follow the Spirit's leading in our lives. 

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