Tuesday Devo

Acts 17
30 “God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him. 31 For he has set a day for judging the world with justice by the man he has appointed, and he proved to everyone who this is by raising him from the dead.”
30 “God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him. 31 For he has set a day for judging the world with justice by the man he has appointed, and he proved to everyone who this is by raising him from the dead.”
17:30 Paul moved to his distinctly Christian appeal, at this point distancing himself from the philosophers. God overlooked. That is, God did not bring immediate judgment to the world in previous times (but Paul warns of coming judgment in the next verse).
17:31 He will judge the world means that God will hold all people accountable, even these philosophers in Athens. raising him from the dead. Jesus is not just a religious teacher. The resurrection of Jesus is at the center of God’s plan for history and is the basis for hope in the future resurrection of the body (1 Cor. 15:42–57; Rev. 21:4). It is also a central evidence to persuade people to believe in Christ (Acts 2:24, 32). Most importantly, the resurrection placed Jesus at God’s right hand, showing his authority to be the judge and the giver of salvation that Paul is describing (2:30–36).
17:31 He will judge the world means that God will hold all people accountable, even these philosophers in Athens. raising him from the dead. Jesus is not just a religious teacher. The resurrection of Jesus is at the center of God’s plan for history and is the basis for hope in the future resurrection of the body (1 Cor. 15:42–57; Rev. 21:4). It is also a central evidence to persuade people to believe in Christ (Acts 2:24, 32). Most importantly, the resurrection placed Jesus at God’s right hand, showing his authority to be the judge and the giver of salvation that Paul is describing (2:30–36).
- Next, God is PATIENT, but He's also JEALOUS. In verse 30, Paul is explaining to the council that God has been extremely patient with mankind, overlooking their ignorance for a time. God didn't punish as He should have, but instead was patiently waiting for Christ to ultimately bear our sin on the cross and appease His wrath. So now, Paul says, God commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to Him. He's a jealous God... not jealous OF us, but jealous FOR us. Because of the price that He paid for us, He demands our allegiance to Him alone. We all must turn from our idols, bow to the Son, and serve the one, true, living God. God is soooo patient with us. Could you say that He has your whole heart? Have you repented of every idol in your life? Are you igniting God's jealousy by things that steal your attention from Him?
- God is JUST! Paul says a day is coming when Jesus will return to judge the world. Judgement IS coming for EVERYONE. There is coming an end to God's patience and the door and the ark will close forever. Those who rejected Jesus will pay the ultimate price, separation from God for eternity, but even those of us that belong to Him will be judged for what we did for Him in this life. When you think of this judgement, what emotions does it invoke? If we lived with this day in mind, how should it affect our decisions today? Or relationships? Or priorities?
Prayer Topics:
- That you would serve God alone.
- That you would live your life with the end in mind.
This Week's City 7:
Try to commit to memory!
7. How can I trust that the Bible is still God’s Word today? I trust the Bible is still God’s Word today because Jesus rose from the dead, proving He was God and said His words would never pass away. Through the Holy Spirit, God inspired the writing of the Scripture, determined the canon of Scripture and protected the copying of Scripture so that we might know Him and worship Him to this day.
(Matthew 24:35; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Revelation 22:18-19)
(Matthew 24:35; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Revelation 22:18-19)
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