Hello This is a Test

Monday Devo


Acts 13
13 Paul and his companions then left Paphos by ship for Pamphylia, landing at the port town of Perga. There John Mark left them and returned to Jerusalem. 14 But Paul and Barnabas traveled inland to Antioch of Pisidia.


13:13 Perga was 8 miles (13 km) inland. Paul does not seem to have remained there long but witnessed there on his return journey (14:25). The reason for John Mark’s departure is not specified, though Paul’s later conflict with Barnabas (15:36–41) shows it did not sit well with Paul. Among the extensive archaeological remains at Perga, the city gates, theater, sports arena, and an unidentified temple date to the time of Paul.
13:14 Antioch in Pisidia was one of 16 cities that the Syrian king Seleucus had named for his father Antiochus. The city had a large Jewish population and the high status of being a Roman “colony.” It is to be distinguished from Antioch in Syria, from which Paul and Barnabas had begun their journey (see v. 1). Excavations at Pisidian Antioch have revealed much from Paul’s day: city walls, a theater, large streets, a temple to the Anatolian god Men Askaenos, and a large temple platform probably related to emperor worship. synagogue. See notes on v. 5; Rom. 1:16.


  • In verse 13, John Mark makes a decision to leave the group and return to Jerusalem. We we don't know why he chose to leave, but we DO know from other references of Scripture that Paul wasn't happy with this decision. He actually says in Acts 15 that John Mark deserted them. But Paul and Barnabas didn't let this affect them... they kept on doing what God had called them to do. This is true in our lives as well. People move on. People fail you. People let you down. But this shouldn't affect you or God's call on your life. Have you let other people coming in or out of your life derail God's plan for you? Are there any relationships you might need to move on from in order to be obedient to God?

  • Not only did Paul and Barnabas not get derailed, but neither did John Mark. Some speculate he might have returned to Jerusalem because he was homesick, or maybe he was discouraged. But even though he left the work God was doing among the Gentiles, God wasn't done with him yet. God eventually restores him and uses him in incredible ways. In fact, he will eventually end up writing the Gospel of Mark. Aren't you glad we serve a God of second chances? Are you tempted to think that God is done using you or can't use you? What is God speaking to you today?

Prayer Topics:

  • That you would never let earthly relationships affect God's call on your life.
  • That you would remember that God isn't done with you yet. 

This Week's City 7:

Try to commit to memory! 

5. Why do I follow Jesus? I follow Jesus because Jesus rose from the dead proving that He is the way, the truth and the life.
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)

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