Monday Devo

Acts 11:1-4, 18
Soon the news reached the apostles and other believers in Judea that the Gentiles had received the word of God. 2 But when Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, the Jewish believers criticized him. 3 “You entered the home of Gentiles and even ate with them!” they said.
4 Then Peter told them exactly what had happened.
18 When the others heard this, they stopped objecting and began praising God. They said, “We can see that God has also given the Gentiles the privilege of repenting of their sins and receiving eternal life.”
Soon the news reached the apostles and other believers in Judea that the Gentiles had received the word of God. 2 But when Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, the Jewish believers criticized him. 3 “You entered the home of Gentiles and even ate with them!” they said.
4 Then Peter told them exactly what had happened.
18 When the others heard this, they stopped objecting and began praising God. They said, “We can see that God has also given the Gentiles the privilege of repenting of their sins and receiving eternal life.”
11:1 The apostles and the brothers do not seem to have raised objection to the inclusion of Cornelius and his fellow Gentiles. The issue was raised by “the circumcision party” (v. 2), a group of strict Jewish Christians, perhaps of a Pharisaic background (see 15:1, 5). They probably held the position that Gentiles who wished to become Christians must first become converts to Judaism, which included circumcision and living by the ritual laws.
11:18 they glorified God. Though it is taken for granted today that Gentiles can become Christians, it was an astounding realization for these Jewish Christians in Jerusalem that to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life. On repentance, see note on 2:38. This move was significant given the history of tension between Gentiles and Jews, especially in light of the Maccabean War. Reconciliation is a key theme of the gospel.
11:18 they glorified God. Though it is taken for granted today that Gentiles can become Christians, it was an astounding realization for these Jewish Christians in Jerusalem that to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life. On repentance, see note on 2:38. This move was significant given the history of tension between Gentiles and Jews, especially in light of the Maccabean War. Reconciliation is a key theme of the gospel.
- In Acts 11, the believers in Jerusalem were not happy with all they had heard about Peter's interactions with Cornelius. They were still tied to their Jewish customs and couldn't fathom that Peter would eat with gentiles. But once Peter explained the vision God gave him in chapter 10, they were quick to admit they had missed God's plan. How quick are you to admit when you are wrong when you are confronted with truth? Do you have the humility it takes to admit it?
- Brandon talked on Sunday about a few different characteristics of a true Christian that we see in Acts 11. The first one we talked about was that a true Christian is quick to REPENT. These Jewish Christians had been entrenched in the Jewish customs and rules for their whole lives, but the moment they realized they had missed what God had intended they immediately did an about-face and went God's way. If we are paying attention, there are many times our thoughts, ideas, political platforms, etc. do not line up with God's Word and plan. When was the last time you instantly went God's way instead of sticking with whatever feels good to you?
Prayer Topics:
- That you would have the humility to admit when you're wrong.
- That you would go God's way instead of your own.
This Week's City 7:
Try to commit to memory!
2. Are there sources outside the Bible that confirm the Biblical account of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead? Many Roman and Jewish historians have confirmed that the apostles died as martyrs for preaching that they saw Jesus risen from the grave. No one dies for something they know to be a lie.
(Luke 1:1-4; Acts 26:26; 1 John 1:1-4, Josephus, Clement, Hegesippus, Tertullian, Origen, Polycarp)
(Luke 1:1-4; Acts 26:26; 1 John 1:1-4, Josephus, Clement, Hegesippus, Tertullian, Origen, Polycarp)
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