Group Guide

This Week's City 7:
5. Why do I follow Jesus? I follow Jesus because Jesus rose from the dead proving that He is the way, the truth and the life.
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)
What was it that drew you to The City in the beginning?
Discussion Questions:
Type your new text here.
- Clayton read from acts 2 on Sunday where we get a great picture of what the Church is supposed to look like. It tells us what makes a healthy church and what we should be looking for in a church. He shared about 10 different attributes but we'll only discuss a couple of them. The point was, we want to be a good and healthy church. Have you ever been a part of an unhealthy church? What were the warning signs?
- The early church devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching. Paul told timothy to study scripture, to guard it and preach it. A GOOD church is a KNOWING church. This should be the first thing we look for in a church. We should ask, "Does this church preach sound theology and good doctrine?" How important has sound theology been in your choosing a church in the past? Why is this so important?
- A GOOD church is a LOVING church. The church in Acts was devoted to fellowship and intimacy. You can't get this by attending church online or through a podcast. The first step to being a loving church is for each and every member of that church to be in HOST mode, not COAST mode every week. What do you do when you have guests over to your house? You clean up, straighten up, put your best foot forward, and intentionally get to know your guests. When you attend church on Sundays, are you in host mode? How do you know?
- A GOOD church is a church of GENEROSITY. The early church shared everything they had. They were generous to the emergency of the Gospel. It wasn't forced! They gave out of an overflow of generosity, whether they were rich or poor. They voluntarily, willingly and cheerfully gave as needs arose. Would you consider yourself to be a generous person? Is giving to the church important to you? How often are you looking for ways to bless someone in need?
- A GOOD church has CONSISTENCY. The church in Acts met together, in one place, on a DAILY basis! They were committed, devoted. It was a priority in their lives. It's almost like their entire lives revolved around gathering with the church! What about you? Are you devoted to meeting together on Sundays and to this City Group? What is standing in the way of your consistency? How might that be having a negative impact on your life, faith or family?
Prayer Topics:
- That we would long to be committed to a GOOD church.
- That we would long to BE a good church.
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