Hello This is a Test

Group Guide

This Week's City 7:

5. Why do I follow Jesus? I follow Jesus because Jesus rose from the dead proving that He is the way, the truth and the life.
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)


Plans for the Super Bowl? Who you got? 

Discussion Questions:

Have someone read Acts 1:12-26 aloud.

  • In verse 12, we see Jesus' followers being obedient and waiting in Jerusalem for the coming of the promised Holy Spirit. But during those weeks they didn't just sit around and twiddle their thumbs. Verse 14 says they "all met together and were constantly united in prayer." The first thing we can learn from these early believers is that they were UNIFIED. This group was devout and committed. After all, they had been with Jesus! The greek word used for "united" literally means "of one mind." Why is unity so important in a church community? Have you ever seen a lack of unity in a church body?

  • Not only were they unified, but they met CONSISTENTLY. They were hanging out with each other all the time and on purpose. Over this period of time, they came and went... but they were consistent in their meeting. This is what it looks like to be in community with other believers. These weren't merely acquaintances. They were brothers and sisters. How have you seen this kind of community play a role in your own life and relationship with Jesus? Has there ever been a time that you lacked this kind of community? What was that like?

  • They were unified, they met consistently, and the prayed CONSTANTLY. The verbiage used in the original language is saying that the prayer is ongoing, continual, consistent and constant. Acts is packed with references to this kind of prayer. It shouldn't be surprising to find that, as the followers of Jesus wait for the promised baptism of the Spirit, they "all joined together constantly in prayer." What does YOUR prayer life look like? How and where are you meeting TOGETHER with other believers for prayer?

  • Jesus' followers also used this time to find a replacement for Judas. Peter took the lead in this process. First he pointed to Scripture that not only predicted Judas' betrayal, but also that his role of apostle would be replaced. Then, before they casted lots, he prayed that the Lord would show them who HE had chosen. So they made this decision TOGETHER through SCRIPTURE and PRAYER. What a great example for us! What does the decision making process look like in your own life? How might it affect your choices if you were to only make decisions after praying and applying God's Word?

  • The big idea from Sunday was that Jesus followers do life TOGETHER through PRAYER and SCRIPTURE. This is our model for church and what it means to follow Jesus together! It's not a suggestion, it's who we should be. Brandon gave the following challenges to help us live this out. Which of them do you need take to heart? 
    • Come to church! - set out to make more than you miss
    • Come to the prayer gathering - Wednesday nights at 630p
    • Do our Daily Devos - Monday through Friday on our app. Up your Bible and prayer game! 
    • Join a City Group - this is how we were meant to follow Jesus... in community with other believers.

Prayer Topics:

  • That our lives would resemble that of the first church.
  • That we would be committed to doing life together with other believers through prayer and scripture.

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