Group Guide

This Week's City 7:
2. Are there sources outside the Bible that confirm the Biblical account of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead? Many Roman and Jewish historians have confirmed that the apostles died as martyrs for preaching that they saw Jesus risen from the grave. No one dies for something they know to be a lie.
(Luke 1:1-4; Acts 26:26; 1 John 1:1-4, Josephus, Clement, Hegesippus, Tertullian, Origen, Polycarp)
(Luke 1:1-4; Acts 26:26; 1 John 1:1-4, Josephus, Clement, Hegesippus, Tertullian, Origen, Polycarp)
What is the deal with new math and how is it better than old math?
Discussion Questions:
Have someone read 2 Corinthians 9:10-15 aloud.
- In verse 10, Paul uses the example of a farmer. God provides not only for his immediate physical needs in the form of a harvest of grain for his daily bread, but also for his future needs in the form of seed for NEXT year's planting. The Corinthians may have financial resources at this point in time, but there is no guarantee from God that will continue. What they CAN be assured of is that God will sustain His people by meeting their needs in Himself while at the same time providing for them FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS. So, God's promise is that He will use His people and their resources as instruments of His grace for the salvation of others. God supplies seed, and even increases it, so that we can be generous! He blesses us, not to enrich our lives, but so we can bless others. As God has blessed you more and more, has it resulted in greater and greater generosity?
- Becoming a Christ-follower means viewing everything in your life as something to be given, used and multiplied for God's Kingdom. God is a rich giver and a good Father who loves to give gifts to His children, but He doesn't give us blessings simply for us to enjoy them. He blesses us so that He can multiply those blessings in the lives of others. So becoming a Christ-follower means a fundamental reshaping of your life until you look at everything you've been given as a seed for sowing. Has following Jesus had this reshaping effect in your life and finances? What would it look like to truly view everything you've been given as a seed for sowing?
- God presents us with a stark choice: Hold on to what you have and you'll end up empty, OR offer it to God without restriction and you'll be filled. If you want to live a tidy, safe life, without leaving your comfort zone, you aren’t going to be of much use to anybody. But if you open your hands on all of it to God, He’ll use it beyond your wildest expectations. When it comes to all God has given you, are you open-handed or closed-fisted? Maybe somewhere in between? What would it look like to be open-handed?
- In verse 11, Paul says that when the gifts get to the church in Jerusalem, two good things will happen - the needs of others will be met and they will joyfully give thanks to God. So while the immediate aim of the collection is to relieve the need, the ultimate goal is to bring honor to God. God will use you to bless others in a way that they thank God because of you. We've had hundreds of people commit their lives to Christ in the last 5 years, marriages restored, families saved and incarcerated people finding their hope in Jesus. What does it feel like to think about the fact that, if you give to The City, you've been a major part of all God has done? How often are you mentally connecting this kind of harvest with the seeds you are sowing?
- The big idea on Sunday was that God ADDS to you SO THAT He can MULTIPLY through you. In other words, He blesses you so that He can bless others through you. As this series comes to a close, what has God taught you about giving? How has He expanded your understanding of generosity?
Prayer Topics:
- That God would teach us to connect your blessings to your generosity.
- That we would be open-handed with all He has blessed us with.
- That we would continue to grow in generosity.
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