Group Guide

This Week's City 7:
6. How can I trust that the Bible is still God’s Word today? I trust the Bible is still God’s Word today because Jesus rose from the dead proving He was God and said His words would never pass away. Through the Holy Spirit, God inspired the writing of the Scripture, determined the canon of Scripture and protected the copying of Scripture so that we might know Him and worship Him to this day.
(Matthew 24:35; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Revelation 22:18-19)
(Matthew 24:35; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Revelation 22:18-19)
Tell the story of the greatest betrayal of your life... JK, no ice-breaker :)
Discussion Questions:
Have someone read Luke 22:1-6 aloud.
- Luke 22 opens with the familiar story of Judas' betrayal of Jesus. The religious leaders had already decided to kill Jesus, they just needed to figure out how to arrest him without causing a riot. Judas provided that opportunity since he could get them access to Jesus when no one was around. As verse 3 states, Judas was one of the twelve. But his actions prove that he never truly believed in Jesus. He represents a "disciple" that was no disciple at all. He proves to us that you can be around Jesus, hear from Jesus in the flesh, see miracles, have a front row seat to the most life-changing events in the history of the world and still completely miss it! How sobering is it to realize how close a person can come to God’s Kingdom and still be lost? Has this ever been you? Someone you know?
- The first takeaway from Sunday was, "Not EVERY follower is A follower." Just like the other 11 didn't know the state of Judas' heart, it's easy to hide in plain site in church. This reality reminds us that church attendance, church membership, church association and volunteering alone are not the marks of salvation. In your own words, what ARE the marks of a true follower of Jesus? Are YOU a true follower?
- The second takeaway was, "Jesus' ENEMY is your ENEMY... and it's not JUDAS." Think of all the relational problems in your life, people you have issues with, things with your kids or your siblings or parents… people at work. Think of the people on your naughty list or grudges you hold because you were mistreated. Jesus knows your pain. No doubt, this betrayal hurt Jesus. And how did Jesus respond? A matter of hours later he sat with his disciples in the upper room, broke bread with them, passed the wine, and then Jesus washed their feet. Yep... Judas was there, too. Judas partook of the Lord's Supper. He had his feet washed by his soon-to-be Savior. THAT is a picture of grace, even though Judas was literally in the middle of his mutiny at that very moment. How gracious are YOU when you are mistreated? What can you learn from Jesus? Who needs grace in your life?
- Have someone read Ephesians 6:12 and 1 Peter 5:8-9. Paul tells us that our REAL enemy is Satan and his evil minions. Peter says Satan is like a prowling lion that's wanting to eat people. Can you imagine just strolling through an African safari without a care in the world, not looking over your shoulder, not being prepared? Now imagine you were warned that there were lions all around you that were hungry, but you just ignore it, maybe lay down to take a nap. But that’s what so many of us do, strolling through life never giving a thought to the things in the unseen world that are literally trying to kill us. How often do you consider the attacks of your real enemy? How aware are you of his activity? How often are you praying against those attacks and for protection for you and those you love?
- Satan is a formidable enemy, but we don't have to fear him. Why? Because we are on the winning team. Satan can WORK, but Jesus still WINS! Jesus' death on the cross was not because Satan won. It was all part of God's sovereign plan to save the world. This is how God operates. Like the story of Joseph, who was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape, thrown into prison... but God was with him. He eventually rose to #2 in command in the whole kingdom. And what did he tell his brothers as they trembled and knelt before him? "What you intended for evil, God intends for good." When we go through difficulty in life we must have hope that God is working those situations for our good and for His glory. Is there anything going on right now in your life where you need to trust His sovereignty? Do you need to stop asking, "Why God?!" and instead ask Him WHAT He might be trying to do in and through you?
Prayer Topics:
- That we would be aware of our unseen enemy.
- That we would remember that people are not our enemies.
- That we would remember that God is good, no matter our circumstances.
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