Group Guide

This Week's City 7:
5. Why do I follow Jesus? I follow Jesus because Jesus rose from the dead proving that He is the way, the truth and the life.
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)
What is your favorite classic Disney movie?
Discussion Questions:
- One of they ways the Sadducees tried to trip Jesus up was by asking Him about marriage and the resurrection. They used a ridiculous example of marriage to try to prove how a resurrection doesn't make sense. But their premise was all wrong because there will be no marriage in heaven. Jesus says we will be like angels in that we will never die and won't need to be married. We don't need marriage because there will be no more need for procreation and repopulation. Regardless of how much you love your spouse and would want to stay married for eternity, the new Kingdom in the life to come will be perfect and amazing. How many of you have heard this before? How many of you are super stoked about this revelation (please don't raise your hands)?
- The religious leaders sent spies to try to trap Jesus with His own words. Should they pay their taxes? This was a pretty ingenious plan. If Jesus said no, He'd be seen as a revolutionary and the Romans would arrest and kill Him. If He said yes, He'd lose the hearts of the people, who were expecting the Messiah to come to overthrow the Roman government. But Jesus sees through the plan and says to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's. We have an EARTHLY obligation, but we also have a HEAVENLY obligation. There is One that doesn't just make coins... there is a true King that made us and stamped us with His image. Caesar has the right to collect your TAX, but God has the right to collect your WORSHIP. We are to give back to Him the thing that bears His image; we're to give Him us! We are all careful to pay our taxes, but how diligent are you in making sure you give to God what is God's; namely your worship and your life?
- Jesus gives the religious leaders a VERY strong rebuke in verse 45. He said they're all about the outward show, liking to walk around in fancy robes, being greeted respectfully, wanting the seats at the head table at banquets, saying long prayers to look holy. And He said they devoured widows' houses and cheated them out of money. This is the Cinderella moment where the authoritative Prince is making things right and renouncing the wicked stepsisters. But remember, anytime Jesus is talking to the religious leaders, He's also talking to US! How easy is it for you to be tempted to do things for show in order to look good in front of other people? Is your heart ever tempted with greed?
- Finally, Jesus, the Prince, exalts Cinderella. He calls their attention to a widow who has just given everything she had in the temple; two copper coins. This was the smallest amount of currency available, the smallest amount that the temple would allow someone to give and everything she possessed. Jesus is telling us that THIS is the goal. This is the picture of righteousness. This is what it looks like to truly love God. Darrell Bock said, "In contrast to the scribes’ pride and hypocrisy stands this woman who has sacrificed out of her life to honor God. So Jesus says, “Beware of the scribes, but follow this widow.” When God measures the life of service, he does not just count, he weighs." Not just speaking financially, but have you given your all to the One you serve? Is there anything you have withheld from him?
- God wrote Himself into HIS story. Brandon talked on Sunday about how Hamlet could only know Shakespeare if Shakespeare wrote himself in to the story. In the same way, we can only know God because God wrote Himself into HIS story in Jesus… He did this that we might know Him, His will and His ways. But we think we want to write our own story. Just like the religious elite in Jesus' day, some of us have been so wrapped up in OUR story that we have missed THE story. Jesus is challenging us to live for GOD'S story. Live for a story that's bigger than yourself! Here are a few questions to ponder: Are you the pharisee or the widow? Maybe somewhere in between? What is keeping your heart from being like the widow's? Do you live for Him and His kingdom, or for you and your kingdom? Do you long for His glory or the praise of men? Does anything need to change in your life and priorities?
Prayer Topics:
- That we would give God what is owed to Him; our lives.
- That we would never be tempted to live to impress others.
- That we would live like the widow, giving our all to Jesus.
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