Hello This is a Test

Group Guide

This Week's City 7:

7. How can I trust that the Bible is still God’s Word today? I trust the Bible is still God’s Word today because Jesus rose from the dead proving He was God and said His words would never pass away. Through the Holy Spirit, God inspired the writing of the Scripture, determined the canon of Scripture and protected the copying of Scripture so that we might know Him and worship Him to this day.
(Matthew 24:35; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Revelation 22:18-19)


What are your plans this summer? Planning any trips? 

Discussion Questions:

Have someone read Luke 19:11-27 aloud.

  • Brandon opened up on Sunday by talking about how amazing  verse by verse teaching has been for his faith and how crucial it is, not just for adults, but for our kids as well. Between studying scripture, the City 7, Table Talk... our kids are having every opportunity to develop a kind of faith that is built to withstand literally everything else in their lives that is trying to tear them away. How have you seen YOUR faith and love/appreciation for scripture grow in the past year or so? For parents, have you seen any growth in your kids?

  • The first point from Sunday was that the FAITHFUL will be REWARDED. This is speaking of the first two servants who faithfully invested the master's money, earned a return, and were rewarded. Jesus describes a time when He will return to judge believers on what they did with what they had been given. This is the Bema seat that Brandon described; a time in the future when BELIEVERS will be judged for the time they spent on earth. We are here to build something eternal. The end is coming, and when it does, every material thing you have in this world will burn. Everything you have ever done will be tested and sifted like wheat. Every earthly treasure or possession, all the money, power, sports trophies for kids... all of it will blow away like chaff. Only eternal things will remain. What will be left when your life is sifted? How might your decisions change if you were truly ONLY living for eternity?

  • Next, the FAKER will be JUDGED. This is speaking of the 3rd servant; the one who hid his money in the ground. He is a false follower, different than the others. This is a scary category. Some scholars think he is a believer that just barely sneaks into heaven. Others think he isn't a believer at all, but someone who THINKS they are a true follower, who pretends and plays the Christian game, but who has never fully trusted in Jesus. Either way, it's a category you don't want to be in. This is a great picture of today's cultural Christian, who honors God with their lips but whose hearts are far from Him. They are just playing games. What we all need is a healthy dose of the fear of a holy God. A.W. Tozer said, "Nothing twists and deforms the soul more than a low or unworthy conception of God." In other words, you can never grow beyond your concept of God. Have you ever been in the "faker" category? Are you now? Do you know anyone who is? How might you reach them?

  • Finally, the HATER will be DESTROYED. This was the delegation of people that didn't want the master to be king... the ones who were eventually executed. This one is pretty clear cut. Jesus Himself said you're either with Him or against Him. There is no neutrality or fence riding. Those who reject Him will suffer the harshest judgement from the King. There are many in our culture in this category. They don't want a king. They want to be their own king. They don't want to be subject to anyone other than themselves. But here is the irony of any kingdom: The subjects are subjects whether they want to be or not. And to be a subject that doesn't accept a king is a dangerous thing. Theologian Darrell Bock said, "One group remains to be dealt with, the rejecters. They will be slain. Their rejection is total. The parable follows the reality of ancient politics. Refusing the rule of the one in power often meant paying with one’s life. Here is the judgment of God. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of a judging and rejected God." Who in your life is in this category? What can you do to try to reach them before it's too late? "The most selfish thing you can do is be content to go to heaven alone."

  • The big idea from Sunday was that we are all ACCOUNTABLE for the IN-BETWEEN. We are living between verses 14 and 15... the time between when the Master leaves and returns as King. And just like the servants in the story who all got one pound of silver, we have all been given the same exact gifts to steward. We've been given the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. We've been given a few spiritual gifts in order to serve the body of Christ. We've been given God's Holy Word which contains His very thoughts and a roadmap for life, peace and joy. We've been given the good news of the gospel, which is a message of life for a dying world. And we've been given a command by Jesus Himself, the great commission, in which he commanded us to GO and spread that good news. We are to live as if we truly believe we will one day give an account for THESE things. What are you doing with what He's given you? How faithful have you been in each of those areas? Where do you need to step it up? 

Prayer Topics:

  • That we would make sure we are living in light of eternity. 
  • That we would all be found to be faithful when the King returns.
  • That we would steward well all He has given us.

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