Group Guide

****A quick note for those groups without kiddos... This message was very parenting heavy. Please feel free to adjust in order to fit the needs of your group.****
This Week's City 7:
5. Why do I follow Jesus? I follow Jesus because Jesus rose from the dead proving that He is the way, the truth and the life.
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)
(Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:6)
What is one of your fondest memories from your childhood?
Discussion Questions:
Have someone read Luke 18:15-17 aloud.
- Sunday we saw 10 people of all ages go public with their faith through baptism. If you have been baptized, what do you remember from that day? Tell your story! If you haven't been baptized, what is holding you back? Could God be leading you to take that next step in your relationship with Him?
- Parenting involves a lot of desperation. You can be desperate for them to sleep, to eat, to stop crying. When they get older, you're desperate for them to stay little, and then desperate for them to leave! But what we SHOULD be most desperate for is what the parents in Luke 18 were desperate for. They were desperate to bring their kids to Jesus. Jesus was their only hope. They recognized that their kids had needs beyond their human ability to meet. So they overcame every obstacle to bring their children to Jesus and plead for his help. They packed up the family and supplies and traveled dusty and dangerous roads. They refused to take the disciples' "no" for an answer. What is our society desperate for when it comes to our kids? What are you desperate for when it comes to YOUR kids? Sports? Practice? Tumbling? Dance? School? Grades? Where does your level of desperation compare when it comes to them following Jesus?
- One thing is for sure... what we model as parents says way more about what we value than the things we say. Even if we're desperate for our kids to meet Jesus and follow Him, their little eyes are always watching us. And if our behaviors, values and priorities don't line up with the things we preach to them, they won't buy it. We must point them to Jesus with the way we choose to live our lives and the things we prioritize. We do this by our example. We do this by our discipline. We do this in family worship and at mealtime prayer. We do this by bringing our children under the Word in corporate worship. We do this in faith. What do YOUR kids see when their little eyes are watching you?
- Jesus needs to be the sole focus of our families. During ProjectONE, we asked you to examine your family's commitment to faith and family. Your family's well-being is completely found it Jesus and nothing else. Are you or your family doing anything that keeps your kids from Jesus? Are there any adjustments that need to be made in order to prove with your actions and priorities that Jesus is the most important thing in your life and family?
Prayer Topics:
That we would be desperate for our kids to meet Jesus.
That we would model what it looks like to be faithful followers of Jesus.
That we would make sure our families chase after the most important thing.
That we would model what it looks like to be faithful followers of Jesus.
That we would make sure our families chase after the most important thing.
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