Hello This is a Test

Wednesday Devo


Luke 18:15-17
15 One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But when the disciples saw this, they scolded the parents for bothering him.
16 Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. 17 I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”


18:15–17 Jesus Blesses the Children. Only those who humble themselves like children shall enter the kingdom.
18:15 People brought even infants to Jesus in order that he might touch them, i.e., bless them (cf. 5:13; 6:19). Were bringing suggests that this was a frequent occurrence in Jesus’ ministry.
18:16–17 Let the children come. Jesus’ attitude toward children contrasted significantly with that of other religious leaders in Judaism. In most ancient cultures children were regarded as a burden until they were physically strong enough to contribute to the family. For to such belongs does not mean children automatically belong to the kingdom but that the kingdom belongs to “such”—that is, to those who possess childlike trust (cf. Matt. 18:4). like a child. That is, in childlike faith and trust in Jesus.


  • In verse 15, Jesus calls for a childlike faith. This is a simple, confident trust in, and dependence on, our Heavenly Father. This is a trust born in humility, not arrogance. But there is a difference between childlike faith and childish faith. Having a childlike faith doesn't mean we ought to always keep our faith simple, while childish faith is immature. Childlike faith is a growing, maturing faith that remains amazed by the gospel. The SIMPLE inherit the Kingdom. Who is an example in your life of childlike faith? Are YOU still amazed by the gospel?

  • Think about what it might look like to keep a childlike faith while still growing spiritually and becoming more mature. While we need to be studying His Word, growing in our knowledge of the Kingdom, spending time in prayer, we also need to somehow keep that basic-level trust in our Heavenly Father where doubting Him is never even an option. To know Him more is to trust Him more. Do you have complete trust in God? Does your faith ever waiver? 


  • That you would keep a childlike faith in God.
  • That you would have complete trust in Him.

This Week's City 7:

Try to commit to memory! 

2. Are there sources outside the Bible that confirm the Biblical account of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead? Many Roman and Jewish historians have confirmed that the apostles died as martyrs for preaching that they saw Jesus risen from the grave. No one dies for something they know to be a lie.
(Luke 1:1-4; Acts 26:26; 1 John 1:1-4, Josephus, Clement, Hegesippus, Tertullian, Origen, Polycarp)

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