Hello This is a Test

Group Guide

This Week's City 7:

2. Are there sources outside the Bible that confirm the Biblical account of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead? Many Roman and Jewish historians have confirmed that the apostles died as martyrs for preaching that they saw Jesus risen from the grave. No one dies for something they know to be a lie.
(Luke 1:1-4; Acts 26:26; 1 John 1:1-4, Josephus, Clement, Hegesippus, Tertullian, Origen, Polycarp)


Who do you look more like, your mom or dad? If you have kids, who do they look more like? Act more like? 

Discussion Questions:

Have someone read Luke 18:1-17 aloud. 

  • At the core of this parable is an attitude about facing injustice as believers. Our call is not to strike back in kind, but to turn to God and rest in the promise He has made that He will eventually vindicate us. God WILL bring HIS justice when Jesus returns to judge the world. We tend to shy away from the God of judgement , but He is good and just! The parable calls for enduring faith that is shown through our praying persistently, without losing heart. Enduring faith is seen in persistent prayer. Are there any struggles you are enduring in your life right now? Is there an area in which you have lost heart or have given up praying?

  • The parable calls for prayer, persistence and patience. Jesus is telling us that the FAITHFUL inherit the Kingdom. On Sunday, Clayton gave several examples of people in our church family that exemplify faithfulness. Who in your life has remained faithful despite suffering? Do you need to grow in faithfulness?

  • Next, Jesus gave a parable about the Pharisee and tax collector. The Pharisee assumed God should accept him because of his behaviors. The tax collector assumed nothing, other that his unworthiness. They were both sinners, but only the tax collector knew it.  Jesus said it was the tax collector, because of his humility, that left justified that day. The HUMBLE inherit the Kingdom. Who is an example in your life of humility? How does it show itself in their actions and words? Do you need to grow in this area?

  • In verse 15, Jesus calls for a childlike faith. This is a simple, confident trust in, and dependence on, our Heavenly Father. This is a trust born in humility, not arrogance. But there is a difference between childlike faith and childish faith. Having a childlike faith doesn't mean we ought to always keep our faith simple, while childish faith is immature. Childlike faith is a growing, maturing faith that remains amazed by the gospel. The SIMPLE inherit the Kingdom. Who is an example in your life of childlike faith? Are YOU still amazed by the gospel?

  • The last point from Sunday is that you INHERIT based on WHO you are, not WHAT you do. It's not about trying harder to be faithful, humble and simple. These are traits that we inherit from our Father in heaven that are passed down to us through a vibrant, intimate relationship with Him. Is the "who" that YOU are continuing to change and grow? Are you getting closer to Jesus day by day? Are you starting to look more and more like Him?

Prayer Topics:

  • That we would be persistent in prayer. 
  • That we would stay faithful, humble and simple.
  • That we would continue to inherit godly traits from our Heavenly Father.

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