Group Guide

This Week's City 7:
1. Who is Jesus? I believe Jesus is God because Jesus said He is God and proved it by rising from the dead and appearing to His disciples, His brother James, 500 others at one time and Paul.
(Mark 3:21; John 8:58, 10:30-33, 14:9-11; Acts 9:1-6; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8; Colossians 1:15-20; Hebrews 1:2-3; James 1:1)
(Mark 3:21; John 8:58, 10:30-33, 14:9-11; Acts 9:1-6; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8; Colossians 1:15-20; Hebrews 1:2-3; James 1:1)
What day or event coming up are you most looking forward to?
Discussion Questions:
Have someone read Luke 17:20-37 aloud.
- In Luke 17, Jesus is asked questions about the Kingdom of God. The Pharisees asked Him when it would come. Jesus answers them with references to Daniel 7 about "one like a son of man" coming from the clouds. He answers their questions and also instructs his disciples on this day we all look forward to. First, the Kingdom to come is going to be PERSONAL. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is already in our midst. Jesus is making clear that the Kingdom is all about THE KING. It's about Jesus, and when He comes back we will be with Him forever. How amazing is it to think about the FACT that one day you will see Jesus, in the flesh, face to face? What might your reaction in that moment be?
- The Kingdom will be VISIBLE. Now, it's invisible, but one day our eyes will see it. Jesus' message is that the Kingdom of God is already active but awaits a future consummation. It's here today and it's also coming one day. When the Son of Man returns it will be seen worldwide, visible from the east to the west. There will be a global impact. When His Kingdom is established on the earth He will have total authority over all of humanity. And it will happen SUDDENLY. He will come down from HEAVEN suddenly and REIGN forever, while the antichrist will rise up from the EARTH gradually and be DESTROYED forever. These signs are given to keep Christians from being surprised by these remarkable events and to keep them from following after alleged messiahs who do not come in the dramatic, visible, world-conquering way in which Jesus himself will come. No one will have to tell you when He comes... you will know! How ready are you for Him to return? How much do you long for that day?
- While we don't know when Jesus will return, He does give us an idea of what life will be like here on earth when that day comes. First there will be great INDULGENCE for the UNBELIEVER. It will be much like the days of Noah when Lot and the others were enjoying themselves, indulging in their sin, not heeding warnings from God. They will be preoccupied with worldly things that should be secondary. Everyday activities such as eating, drinking, marrying... things like possessions, jobs, money and vacations... these things aren't inherently bad, but they are potential distractions from the thing that should be primary for the believer. Are you making the secondary things of life primary things? Which secondary things in YOUR life are getting in the way of the primary thing?
- In the last days there will also be great SUFFERING for the BELIEVER. They will have to endure great persecution. Some believe that all believers will have to endure the seven years of tribulation, while others think Jesus will return before it begins. But Matthew 24 talks about a great tribulation that believers will have to endure BEFORE the Son of Man returns. While it might not be very fun to imagine us having to endure this kind of persecution, it very well could be a reality for us and for our families. Do you have a faith that is ready to endure actual physical suffering? What would need to change in your life today in order for you to be prepared for suffering later?
- When the Son of Man returns, the image is grim for so many. It will be like the days of Noah, when those preoccupied with parties and sin were swept away by the flood. Everyone will stand before the King in judgement and we will be separated into two groups: those who were FOR Him will enter into everlasting life, while those who were AGAINST Him will face everlasting judgement. Those who cling to this life will lose it, but those who let go of this life will have life eternal. Because of this, we are to live TODAY in light of THE DAY. And when things get tough, we should endure TODAY by looking forward to THE DAY. If you were truly living for THE DAY, how might your decisions change? How might your relationships change? How might the way you spend your time and money change?
Prayer Topics:
- That we would look forward to THE DAY with expectation.
- That we would make sure He is primary in our lives.
- That we would develop a faith strong enough to endure suffering.
- That we would live for and long for eternity.
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