Hello This is a Test

Group Guide

This Week's City 7:

4. Can a person be good enough to go to heaven? No. Because Jesus rose from the dead proving He is God, I believe a person is saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
(John 1:12, 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 4:1-25, 5:1-2, 6-11, 6:23, 10:1-4, 10:9; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:1-9; 1 Timothy 2:5-6; Titus 3:4-7)


Does anyone have that friend that says the most shocking things? Maybe YOU are that friend? Parents, what about your kids? Any funny stories about the stuff they've said? 

Discussion Questions:

Have someone read Luke 13:1-9 aloud.

  • I would imagine that many people would've expected Jesus to handle that question a little differently. Maybe you would've thought he'd give some answers to this tragedy. Now, imagine you were one of his disciples. Maybe you would have been embarrassed by his answer and offered an apology or given some excuses for him. What he said is a little shocking to us, and it would've been to his audience that day. People have often misunderstood and misjudged Jesus, and it still happens today. What are some ways you think our culture, and even Christians, have developed incorrect assumptions about Jesus?

  • The first thing Jesus points to in his answer is that God is MERCIFUL. Because of sin in our lives, however, we are all destined for an eternal death. "But unless you repent, you too will all perish." Every human walks into this world under a sentence of death. Every human has violated God and his holiness. The very fact that we are allowed to live from moment to moment is because of his grace. Talk about how it feels to realize that you weren't just saved to make your life a little better, but you were literally saved from an eternal death. What heart response and posture should this invoke in us?

  • Not only is God merciful, but he is PATIENT. Jesus' parable symbolizes Israel's last opportunity to repent before experiencing God's judgement. The period of grace and opportunity is extended, but only for a limited time. The patience of the farmer with the fig tree reveals God's patience with us. He expects us to be fruitful, but he is patient with us if we are slow to catch on.  Think about how many times you've missed the mark or done your own thing. How grateful are you for God's patience in YOUR life? Who in your life needs more patience FROM you as you give others what he has given you?

  • He is patient, but he is also JUST. If the fig tree does not respond, it will be cut down. One of the biggest problems we have in understanding the Christian faith is that we have not accurately understood mercy and justice. If we think God is obligated to be kind to us, that he owes us mercy, then we are confusing mercy and justice. Justice describes what ought to be done to reward those who have been righteous and to punish those who have been wicked. Mercy is NEVER an obligation to God. There is a limit to God's patience and grace. He will not contend with men forever. He is long-suffering and slow to anger, but he does get angry, and there will be a time when every unproductive plant will be ripped up. The clock is ticking. How often do you think of God's anger and wrath? Do you think you have taken his patience and mercy for granted? How might living with God's justice in mind affect our daily decisions?

  • The big idea from Sunday was, "It's always TIME to TURN to God." NOW is the time to turn to Jesus or return to Jesus. Even believers can turn a deaf ear to his voice for long enough that we stop hearing it. Our hearts can become hardened and we can do great damage to our relationship with God. Romans 1 tells us that God will eventually turn us over to our own sin and hardened heart. Here is the assumption that we must reject: If times are good, then I'm ok with God, and if times are bad, then I need God. This is how so many "Christians" live! How might good times and blessings end up being your worst enemy? Why do we seek him more when things are tough? Have you been lulled to sleep in your spiritual life?

Prayer Topics: 

  • That we would recognize his mercy and patience in our lives.
  • That we would remember that he is just.
  • That we would keep our hearts sensitive towards him and always hear his voice.

1 Comment

Krystalynn - January 30th, 2023 at 7:34pm

Thank you for this message 🧡