Hello This is a Test

Group Guide

This Week's City 7:

7. How can I trust that the Bible is still God’s Word today? I trust the Bible is still God’s Word today because Jesus rose from the dead proving He was God and said His words would never pass away. Through the Holy Spirit, God inspired the writing of the Scripture, determined the canon of Scripture and protected the copying of Scripture so that we might know Him and worship Him to this day.
(Matthew 24:35; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Revelation 22:18-19)


If you have kids, what was your most memorable "dinner with your kids in a nice restaurant" story? If you don't have kids, say a prayer of thanks to the Lord that you can eat in peace. 

Discussion Questions:

  • If you have kids, you know that if they get what they want, they're happy and think you love them. When they don't get what they want, they throw a fit and think you don't love them. In our lives, we don't always get what we want, when we want it. Many times when it comes to things we're praying for or things that happen in our lives that are out of our control, we can struggle with why God isn't stepping in to do something to help. We can begin to think he doesn't care. The three stories in chapter 7 shed some light on this dangerous way of thinking. Clayton's first point on Sunday was, "Jesus moves in response to your FAITH." In Luke 7, Jesus chooses to heal the servant of a high-ranking Roman official. Jesus was amazed at the faith of this Gentile Centurion. So at the very word of Jesus, the servant was healed. How often have you prayed for a miracle from God? Do you have faith that he can still heal and do miracles? Have you ever seen one?

  • Many Christians stop right there... If you have enough faith, God will heal you. But if we are going to know the FULL counsel of God's Word, we have to keep reading! Clayton's second point was, "Jesus moves in response to his COMPASSION." When Jesus sees that a widow had lost her only son, his heart "overflowed with compassion." How amazing it is that a God that is big enough to create the universe and speak things into existence still cares about a widow in an obscure village! He answered her heart's brokenness without her even having to ask! The God who makes galaxies is the same God that cares for the sparrow. Have you ever thought about God's heart being moved with compassion when you struggle or are in pain? Have you ever considered that his heart breaks for you when you suffer, just as any good father's would? How does this change your view of God? How does it change your view of your suffering?

  • Once again, we can't stop there! We have to keep reading. The third point was, "Jesus moves in response to his SOVEREIGNTY." In verse 18 we see that John the Baptist has been arrested and is sitting in a dungeon. This is the one that had been preparing the way for Jesus, the last great prophet. But it's clearly not going the way thought it would. So he begins to wonder, "Is Jesus REALLY the Messiah?" He's in a dark place, and we've all been there before. He's thinking, "Everyone is getting THEIR miracle, but why am I not getting MINE?" Have you ever felt this way? He is doubting, but he ultimately doesn't give in to those doubts. Unfortunately, many of us DO give into those doubts. Many turn away from faith for this very reason. Ultimately, John the Baptist is beheaded at the order of Herod. Jesus chose NOT to save him. God's sovereignty is his right and power to do all that he decides to do. Every prisoner is not set free every time. Sometimes, even though you have faith, and even though God is compassionate, the answer is no. How does this strike you? Do you have trouble reconciling these kinds of things in your own life? What do the "no's" in your life do to your faith and trust in him?

  • Jesus is looking for people with childLIKE faith, not childISH faith. In verse 31, Jesus says we are like children. We complain when we don't get our way. We complain about God and doubt him when we don't get the answer we are looking for. We say, "God, I believe you are GOOD and COMPASSIONATE, so you MUST answer me!" This kind of faith is childish and selfish. Have you ever been guilty of childish faith? In what area of your life do you need to grow your trust in the sovereignty of God?

  • The big idea from Sunday was, "You can, you're good, but even if you don't, you're faithful." This is the way we should live our lives. The truth is, he CAN + he's GOOD doesn't always equal he WILL. Sometimes God is most glorified when, in our deepest pain, we still find a way to say that he is enough, and we let his grace sustain us through it. Jesus himself asked to not have to go through the torture of the cross. But it was God's will he submitted to in the end. The story of the Church is the opposite of what we have been trained to believe in our country. It is usually the MOST faithful that have suffered the most. These faithful servants are able to realize that the story of their life isn't about THEM, it's about HIM. Spend some time talking about an area of your life that you are struggling with. Talk about it and pray through it. Pray that God would help us develop and "even if" kind of faith, that we can trust a faithful God even if he doesn't answer our prayers the way we think he should. That we would pray, full of faith, for our miracle, but trust God no matter the outcome. "God, I know you CAN answer, I know you're GOOD, but even if you choose not to, I know you're still FAITHFUL."

Prayer Topics:

  • That we would remember that God is good and faithful, all the time.
  • That we wouldn't let what we want obscure our view of God and his goodness.
  • That we would develop an unshakeable "even if" faith.

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