Hello This is a Test

Tuesday Devo


Galatians 4
4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.


4:4 when the fullness of time had come. God sent his Son at the right moment in human history, when God’s providential oversight of the events of the world had directed and prepared peoples and nations for the incarnation and ministry of Christ, and for the proclamation of the gospel.
4:5 Paul’s adoption imagery probably picks up the OT concept of God calling Israel his “son” and combines this with the Roman notion of adopting a son (usually already a grown man) in order to designate him as the heir to all the family wealth (see also note on 3:26).
4:6–7 because you are sons. Because Christians are now sons and “of age,” they are in a position to receive the inheritance, beginning with the promised Spirit of his Son. Abba is the Aramaic word for “father” (cf. Rom. 8:14–17).


  • We are to worship God with our hearts and our MINDS. Not only does passion matter, so does right theology. So many in our culture today and churches have very weak understandings of theology. Many of us can quote a verse or two here and there (sometimes out of context), we post the occasional meme or inspirational message, but do we really have a deeply-rooted understanding of the full counsel of God's Word? The more accurately we know God, the more passionately we can worship Him. Can you say you love the Lord with your mind? How are you currently pursuing a deeper, more complete knowledge of Scripture?

  • Finally, we are to worship God with our STRENGTH. Passion matters. Theology matters. And Ecclesiology matters. How we do church matters. We need both right orthodoxy and right orthopraxy matters. Orthodoxy is the correct beliefs, while orthopraxy is the correct practices. Churches need to be about the right things in order to fulfill all that God has called us to accomplish on the earth. Have you ever been a part of a church that got one of these wrong? Maybe they lacked in passion? Maybe they had weak theology and teaching? What are some of the ways this causes things to go sideways in a congregation?


  • That you would learn to worship God with your mind.
  • That you would be all about passion and theology. 

This Week's City 7:

Try to commit to memory! 

1. Who is Jesus? I believe Jesus is God because Jesus said He is God and proved it by rising from the dead and appearing to His disciples, His brother James, 500 others at one time, and Paul.
(Mark 3:21; John 8:58, 10:30-33, 14:9-11; Acts 9:1-6; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8; Colossians 1:15-20; Hebrews 1:2-3; James 1:1)

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